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Mail is for life, not just for Christmas

Author:Admin Publish time:2022-10-10 Click:

In the UK, we buy more greetings cards than any other country, at an average of 33 per person. Some traditions remain strong, and marking an occasion with a greetings card is clearly one of them.

According to the Greetings Card Association, here in the UK we bought an estimated 1 billion Christmas cards last year, in addition to those cards bought through digital businesses such as Moonpig.

Ryan Higginson, Vice President & UK/ROI Country Leader, Global SMB Solutions, Pitney Bowes, explains that in a world in which we send and receive 269 billion emails annually – a figure forecast to rise to around 320 billion by 2021 –  the value and sentiment behind the buying and sending of greetings cards remains strong, particularly at this time of the year.

A study from the Royal Mail found that 80% of people would rather receive a traditional Christmas card than an e-card. While e-cards are fun and creative, there’s something so much more fulfilling about taking stock at the end of a long day, sitting down and opening printed cards wishing you seasonal greetings from near and far.

For businesses, sending a personalised card through the mail to celebrate the festive season is a credible way of engaging with clients and building a relationship. It’s thoughtful, valued and creates impact.

And it’s a great way to stand out in a crowded marketplace: consumers are supposedly exposed to around 10000 brand messages each day and are said to have a concentration span lasting less than that of a goldfish.

Physical mail isn’t just for Christmas, of course: it brings an authenticity to customer engagement strategies at all times of the year. It has become more appreciated, memorable and purposeful than ever, and builds a unique relationship between the sender and the recipient.

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